Mastectomy or Lumpectomy: How Can You Choose?

If your doctor has advised surgery as part of your breast cancer treatment plan, you're probably wondering what's best for you. There are two forms of breast cancer surgery: a lumpectomy, commonly known as breast-conserving surgery, and a mastectomy, which removes the entire breast. And if you’re reading this, chances are you’re familiar with both of these terms or have heard them at least once. Here we’ve discussed both of these options with our surgical oncology doctor in Jayanagar to help you choose the best one for you.
Understanding the procedure—lumpectomy:
A lumpectomy eliminates the malignancy as well as a tiny quantity of healthy tissue around it known as the margin. Removing a healthy tissue margin helps ensure that all cancer cells are eradicated. Because the remaining healthy breast tissue is preserved, this is also known as breast-conserving surgery. When given the option, most women chose the less intrusive lumpectomy. According to research, lumpectomy combined with radiation therapy is just as beneficial as mastectomy for most women with early-stage breast cancer.
Tell me about mastectomy:
Mastectomy refers to the surgical removal of the entire breast in order to treat or prevent malignancy. Total mastectomy, skin-sparing mastectomy, nipple-sparing mastectomy, and modified-radical mastectomy are all types of mastectomy surgery. In some situations, both breasts must be removed. This procedure is known as a double mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy.
Benefits and disadvantages of lumpectomy:

  • Surgeons may be able to keep the appearance of the breast while also retaining the majority of the sensation.
  • Because the operation is less invasive, patients recover more swiftly and effortlessly.
  • The procedure is less expensive than a mastectomy.


  • Because the conventional treatment for breast cancer with a lumpectomy includes follow-up radiation therapy, some women(who would be good candidates for a lumpectomy) choose mastectomy in order to avoid radiation therapy and its associated adverse effects.
  • People who choose a lumpectomy over a mastectomy have a greater chance of local recurrence.
  • If cancer returns, the breast cannot survive more radiation therapy, so the medical team will most likely prescribe a mastectomy.
  • More procedures may be required if physicians discover more cancer cells in the breast after the initial surgery.

Benefits and disadvantages of mastectomy:

  • You may feel more certain that your cancer will not return.
  • Radiotherapy is usually not required following surgery.
  • If your cancer recurs, you might get radiotherapy for the affected area.


  • Mastectomies are larger than lumpectomies.
  • The recovery time is longer, and there may be more adverse effects after surgery.
  • People may be distressed by the irreversible loss of a breast.
  • Additional procedures will be required if you choose to have reconstruction.

Which one is right for you, and how do you choose?
As per our experts from the surgical oncology hospital in Jayanagar, many treatment facilities will explain treatment alternatives to you at the time of diagnosis, but that doesn't mean you can't take your time making a decision. Patients at United Hospital receive their diagnosis from their radiologist and then have time to discuss treatment choices with a surgical oncologist. Taking your time may assist you in making the best treatment decision for you.
While many women consider their breasts a fundamental aspect of their femininity and are committed to maintaining breasts that feel as natural as possible, others might not have a strong emotional relationship with their breasts or believe that their identity is closely linked to their breasts. These women frequently choose a mastectomy without reconstruction, which is the simplest treatment choice.

However, if you want to undergo a prosthetic option like breast reconstruction after mastectomy, consult our experts practicing surgical oncology treatment in Jayanagar and ask all your queries right away. They will help you choose the best possible treatment.

Posted on : 20/06/2022      Views : 661

Mastectomy or Lumpectomy: How Can You Choose?

If your doctor has advised surgery as part of your breast cancer treatment plan, you're probably wondering what's best for you. There are two forms of breast cancer surgery: a lumpectomy, commonly known as breast-conserving surgery, and a mastectomy, which removes the entire breast. And if you’re reading this, chances are you’re familiar with both of these terms or have heard them at least once. Here we’ve discussed both of these options with our surgical oncology doctor in Jayanagar to help you choose the best one for you.
Understanding the procedure—lumpectomy:
A lumpectomy eliminates the malignancy as well as a tiny quantity of healthy tissue around it known as the margin. Removing a healthy tissue margin helps ensure that all cancer cells are eradicated. Because the remaining healthy breast tissue is preserved, this is also known as breast-conserving surgery. When given the option, most women chose the less intrusive lumpectomy. According to research, lumpectomy combined with radiation therapy is just as beneficial as mastectomy for most women with early-stage breast cancer.
Tell me about mastectomy:
Mastectomy refers to the surgical removal of the entire breast in order to treat or prevent malignancy. Total mastectomy, skin-sparing mastectomy, nipple-sparing mastectomy, and modified-radical mastectomy are all types of mastectomy surgery. In some situations, both breasts must be removed. This procedure is known as a double mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy.
Benefits and disadvantages of lumpectomy:

  • Surgeons may be able to keep the appearance of the breast while also retaining the majority of the sensation.
  • Because the operation is less invasive, patients recover more swiftly and effortlessly.
  • The procedure is less expensive than a mastectomy.


  • Because the conventional treatment for breast cancer with a lumpectomy includes follow-up radiation therapy, some women(who would be good candidates for a lumpectomy) choose mastectomy in order to avoid radiation therapy and its associated adverse effects.
  • People who choose a lumpectomy over a mastectomy have a greater chance of local recurrence.
  • If cancer returns, the breast cannot survive more radiation therapy, so the medical team will most likely prescribe a mastectomy.
  • More procedures may be required if physicians discover more cancer cells in the breast after the initial surgery.

Benefits and disadvantages of mastectomy:

  • You may feel more certain that your cancer will not return.
  • Radiotherapy is usually not required following surgery.
  • If your cancer recurs, you might get radiotherapy for the affected area.


  • Mastectomies are larger than lumpectomies.
  • The recovery time is longer, and there may be more adverse effects after surgery.
  • People may be distressed by the irreversible loss of a breast.
  • Additional procedures will be required if you choose to have reconstruction.

Which one is right for you, and how do you choose?
As per our experts from the surgical oncology hospital in Jayanagar, many treatment facilities will explain treatment alternatives to you at the time of diagnosis, but that doesn't mean you can't take your time making a decision. Patients at United Hospital receive their diagnosis from their radiologist and then have time to discuss treatment choices with a surgical oncologist. Taking your time may assist you in making the best treatment decision for you.
While many women consider their breasts a fundamental aspect of their femininity and are committed to maintaining breasts that feel as natural as possible, others might not have a strong emotional relationship with their breasts or believe that their identity is closely linked to their breasts. These women frequently choose a mastectomy without reconstruction, which is the simplest treatment choice.

However, if you want to undergo a prosthetic option like breast reconstruction after mastectomy, consult our experts practicing surgical oncology treatment in Jayanagar and ask all your queries right away. They will help you choose the best possible treatment.