Posted on : 16/04/2022 Views : 747
Colorectal Cancer: How to treat and manage symptoms
Many people assume that after several bouts of diarrhea, their colons have emptied out or that they can keep their colons empty by avoiding eating. But the fact is that your colon is never empty. It's always full of fecal matter. The colon (large bowel) is the main part of the large intestine and the final part of the digestive tract.
However, as per the gastroenterology doctor in Jayanagar, this 5 feet long part of the large intestine may be prone to serious ailments like cancer. This usually begins as a small non-cancerous mass called a polyp. If left untreated can lead to colon cancer.
Understanding colorectal cancer-
Colon cancer frequently begins as a polyp within the colon. If the polyp becomes cancerous over time and involves the rectum, known as colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer can be avoided by detecting and eliminating polyps.
When should you see a doctor?
If you notice any of the following symptoms persistently, visit your doctor for a thorough check-up.
- Change in the bowel habit
- Change in stool consistency
- Blood in your stool
- Abdominal discomfort
- Unexplained weight loss
- Cramps
- Fatigue
- Incomplete emptying of the bowel
You should schedule a screening test for checking your colon health. f you have other risk factors, such as a family history of the disease, your doctor may recommend more frequent or earlier screening.
What are the available options for treating colon cancer?
Which treatments are most likely to benefit you depends on multiple factors such as the location of your cancer, its stage, and any other health concerns you may have. Colon cancer is usually treated with surgery to remove cancer. Other therapies, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be used as adjuvants.
- For early-stage colon cancer- polyp removal during colonoscopy, mucosal resection with the help of endoscopic surgery, laparoscopic surgery
- For advanced colon cancer- partial colectomy, lymph node resection, or a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy along surgery can be done.
How does an oncologist plan your treatment for colon cancer?
As per our experts practicing in the best hospital in Bangalore, treatment for colon cancer varies depending on the type of cancer. Some drugs are designed to kill cancer cells, while others are designed to prevent cancer from developing or to lessen the likelihood of recurrence.
They work with a multidisciplinary team of other subspecialists, including surgical oncologists and radiation oncologists, to establish the best treatment strategy for each patient.
Surgery -Surgery entails the excision of the tumor as well as the healthy tissue surrounding it. The sort of surgery is mostly determined by cancer's stage.
Removal of early-stage cancers in the colon or rectum- Very small tumors localized to the internal lining of the colon can be removed using special equipment inserted through an endoscope. Endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal resection are two methods for removing cancer from the colon or gastrointestinal tract's internal lining.
Lymph node removal - Lymph nodes are removed to check whether cancer has spread or not. The surgeon may remove lymph nodes from your abdomen to screen for cancer.
Surgery is used to treat the signs and symptoms of the disease.
Chemotherapy- Depending on the type of GI cancer and the patient's overall condition, we utilize medicinal treatments to reduce cancer before an operation.
This technology could allow patients with previously incurable tumors to undergo surgery while also making it safer and more successful.
Chemotherapy can also be used after surgery to relieve symptoms of colon cancer that have spread to other parts of the body or migrated to the lymph nodes. Our medical oncologists use drugs to stop cancer cells from growing and dividing.
Radiation therapy- in this therapy high-energy x-rays are used to kill cancer cells.
- Colon cancer is usually treated using external-beam radiation, which is radiation supplied from a machine outside the body.
- Radiation therapy can be used to shrink a tumor before surgery or to destroy any cancer cells that remain after surgery.
- Radiation therapy might result in fatigue, mild skin reactions, stomach discomfort, and loose bowel movements. The majority of side effects fade away once treatment is over. Our radiation oncologist can talk to you about any possible side effects and recovery time.
Targeted Therapy- these medications are designed to target specific abnormalities found in cancer cells. Targeted medicines can kill cancer cells by inhibiting aberrations. This can be used as an adjuvant with chemotherapy.
Palliative treatment- Palliative care is a type of medical treatment that focuses on easing the pain and other symptoms of a serious illness.
Palliative care specialists work with you, your family, and other clinicians to provide additional care and support as part of your ongoing treatment.
When palliative care is administered along with all other approved treatments, cancer patients may feel better and live longer.
Do not neglect any of the above-mentioned symptoms, if you are experiencing any of them. For a second opinion, you can contact our experts from the best gastrointestinal hospital in Bangalore.