Posted on : 28/03/2022 Views : 7563
Gallbladder Friendly Diet: Eat after gallbladder removal surgery
Gallbladder is a little pouch-like structure that lies at the upper right quadrant of your belly. This is the storehouse of bile produced by your liver. The bile can help in easy digestion and absorption of fat. However, gallstones formed in the gallbladder have become a common issue for most people. This can cause moderate to severe pain resulting in gallbladder removal surgery. As per our panel of experts practicing gallbladder stone surgery in Bangalore, gallstones can be prevented if we include dietary changes and lifestyle modifications in our everyday schedule. Here we will discuss the same. Continue reading to learn more.
Diet chart you need to follow to prevent gallstones-
By altering your diet, you can lower your chances of developing gallstones. The important issue is to consider the gallbladder's function and role in fat digestion.
- Cut down on fried foods, saturated fats from meat, and dairy products.
- Increase water intake.
- Try to have fiber-enriched fruits like apple, pear, and green leafy veggies. Take those apples with their peel on. This will increase the fiber intake by a fewfold.
- To get the benefits of fibers, drink more liquids.
- Avoid margarine and sunflower oil. As these can put extra pressure on your liver. Hence in the gallbladder as well. Substitute it with olive oil instead.
Dietary changes after gallbladder removal surgery-
After you have had your gallbladder removed, you may experience a few bouts of diarrhea along with a nauseous feeling.
As per our experts specializing in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery, although there is no specific gallbladder removal diet, the following guidelines may help you avoid getting diarrhea after cholecystectomy( gallbladder removal surgery)-
- Limit a few food items that can cause diarrhea like caffeine, dairy products, and sweets.
- Eat smaller meals at a regular interval rather than having a king-sized meal at once. This will help to combine the food with the bile that is accessible.
- Small amounts of lean protein, such as poultry, fish, or fat-free dairy, should be included in a balanced diet, along with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
- Watch your diet- For at least a week after surgery, avoid high-fat foods, fried and greasy foods, and fatty sauces and gravies.
- Choose fat-free or low-fat foods instead. Low-fat foods have less than 3 grams of fat per serving. You should always check for levels and stay informed about the amount of fat you are taking.
How to keep your gallbladder healthy?
- Do not skip your meals- your gallbladder releases bile every time you are having food. If you skip your meals frequently, those released bile juice will build up. And gets hardened into a stone-like structure.
- Maintain a healthy weight- obesity can raise the risk of developing gallstones by a fewfold. This is more applicable if you gain weight around the waist rather than around your hips or thighs.
- Do not try crash diets- you may find this tempting that your friend has lost those extra pounds within one month. However, you should not try this on your own. A crash diet can harm your heart and gallbladder as well. This is because rapid weight loss prevents your gallbladder from emptying properly. And this is what may favor gallstone formation.
- Move your body- Physical activity helps you lose weight, improve your mood, and protect your gallbladder as well.
According to research, women who exercised the most had a 25% lower risk of gallbladder illness than their couch potato peer groups. Enjoy your sip of alcohol- enjoy your glass of wine or beer with dinner. Studies have suggested, alcohol can raise the HDL level(good cholesterol) and reduce the risks of getting gallstones.
- Have nuts- They provide a lot of nutrition into a tiny package. Nuts are abundant in fiber and a good source of fat. They're also high in plant sterols, which prevent your body from absorbing cholesterol. This could help prevent gallstones.
- Pick whole grains - They're high in rough fiber, which helps to decrease LDL (or "bad") cholesterol. This protects your heart and helps in the prevention of gallstones.
Fiber helps to keep your digestive tract active and keep the bile out of your system. Increase your intake of high-fiber meals such as whole-grain bread and pasta, as well as brown rice.
Conclusion- if you are suffering from gallbladder issues and want a second opinion, you can consult our experts practicing in the best hospital in Bangalore.