Posted on : 08/07/2022 Views : 973
Have a gout flare? You might find these tips helpful
Did you know that Gout was once known as the Disease of Kings? Wondering why? Well, the condition was historically associated with the excessive consumption of exotic foods and heavy drinking, and both of these habits used to be quite common amongst the people belonging to royal families. However, it was gradually found that gout was triggered by the excessive buildup of uric acid in the body, which could be either due to the increased consumption of foods that are loaded with it or the inability of the kidneys to get rid of the same. As uric acid starts to build up in the body, it results in the formation of urate crystals in and around the joints. The condition is marked by immense pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, and frequent flares.
As per the experts specializing in rheumatology in Jayanagar, you can experience a gout flare irrespective of whether you have been plagued by gout before or not even once. The pain is often excruciating and you can experience it anytime, even while you are fast asleep at night. It usually affects a single joint and especially the great toe. It is pertinent to understand that gout flares can be experienced by anyone, however, the risks are quite high in people who have a family history of the condition or, are suffering from a chronic renal ailment. Apart from these, there are several other risk factors that can increase the likelihood of gout flares. These include the use of certain medicines, heavy drinking, high sugar intake, or eating foods that load your body with more uric acid.
Luckily, gout flare is manageable and you can easily do it by following these simple tips recommended by the experts from the best rheumatology hospital in Jayanagar:
Use NSAID - These refer to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are widely recommended to alleviate pain, swelling, and inflammation. The effect is somewhat similar to corticosteroids, however with minimal side effects. NSAIDs like ibuprofen are quite effective in managing gout symptoms, but, it is important to take these only after consulting your doctor. Also, it is important to avoid certain NSAIDs like aspirin, as it contains acetylsalicylic acid, an intake of which can further aggravate your gout.
Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor - If you have had the problem before, your doctor may have prescribed some medicine to manage the symptoms. In case NSAIDs fail to work, you can always take the medicines recommended by your doctor for an earlier flare. Some of the common prescription medications that are used to manage acute symptoms include Prednisolone and Colchicine.
Use ice - Cold can help to relieve pain and lower inflammation in patients experiencing excruciating pain and tenderness due to gout. You can use an ice pack whenever you feel that the pain is becoming unbearable. If you don't have an ice pack, you can freeze some water in a bottle and use the same. Cold therapy is widely used in the management of various other joint problems as well.
Joint elevation - As gout affects a single joint in the body, elevating the affected part can decrease the flow of blood to that area and also help to drain the fluids that have accumulated there. This can also be effective in reducing inflammation. You can use an ice pack while keeping the affected part elevated. This further helps to decrease pain and other symptoms.
Drink coffee - It is believed that drinking coffee can help to reduce the risks of gout flares. A review and meta-analysis conducted in 2016: Is coffee consumption associated with a lower risk of hyperuricemia or gout? - A systematic review and meta-analysis, suggest that people who take coffee are less likely to have gout as the beverage is quite effective in bringing down the levels of uric acid. Although the results seem promising, further research is needed in this direction.
If you are finding it difficult to manage the problem at home, consult your doctor immediately.