Posted on : 08/12/2022 Views : 730
Kidney Health – What You Might not know about Your Body’s Blood Filter
The Kidneys perform an absolutely crucial function as they remove toxic substances from the body. Though they appear as small, tiny bean-shaped organs, the activity they perform has a massive impact. According to seasoned nephrologists well-known for the best kidney treatment in Bangalore, the kidneys are so powerful that each day they can filter close to 700 cups of blood in quantity. The resultant waste product is in the form of urine that flows out through the urethra.
While this might seem like a normal activity that your kidneys perform, there are a few facts you might not be still aware of regarding your Body’s blood filter.
Let’s take a close look at what they are.
Exciting unknown facts about your body’s Blood Filter
Most of us would be aware of the fact that we can survive with just one kidney for a major part of our lives. Families or friends can donate their kidneys. However, they will be considered only if the blood and tissue types match those of the recipient.
Doctors working at United Hospital rated it as the best hospital for Kidney Failure Treatment in Bangalore say that there is something interesting about your kidneys.
- The Filtering Capacity of the Kidneys
We began this article by mentioning the power of the kidneys to filter close to 700 cups of blood in quantity. That makes it approx. 50 gallons of blood a day which is just extraordinary for such a critical organ appearing so small.
You might not know that your kidneys comprise of Nephrons which are filtering units. They are close to nearly a million in number and are made of tiny vessels called Glomerulus. It is the Glomerulus through which tiny drops of blood pass through and are filtered for microscopic waste particles. The major essential particles (carbohydrates, protein and fat) are retained in the bloodstream. Subsequent activity sees the blood vessels reabsorb any essential nutrient required by your body and remove the rest through a tubule in the form of urine.
- Kidneys can produce anywhere between 1 to 2 litres of urine per day
Nephro doctors working with the best hospital for kidney stone treatment in Bangalore indicate that your kidneys have the capacity to generate 1-2 litres of urine per day. However, the quantum of physical activity you carry out, the amount of water you drink and the outside temperature can impact the quantity of urine produced.
Hence, the best doctors for kidney stones treatment in Bangalore emphasise on the need to stay hydrated at all times for maintaining healthy kidneys.
- Chronic Kidney Disease is the highest observed kidney problem among Individuals
Eminent kidney doctors working with United Hospital, regarded as the best hospital for kidney stone removal in Bangalore, are of the firm opinion that CKD or chronic kidney disease is the most widely noticed Kidney Disorder across the globe. The biggest contributors to CKD are Hypertension and Diabetes. Hence it is extremely important to get yourself checked for high blood pressure and high sugar levels frequently to know where you stand with respect to CKD.
- Kidney Cancer is one of the top 10 prevailing types of Cancers in the World
You will be interested know at what the doctors at the best kidney hospital in Bangalore have to sayabout Kidney Cancer. It finds a place among the ten most common cancers being found and treated on a large scale. However, there is no need to panic as if detected early and precautions are taken, Kidney Cancer can be treated successfully and the survival rate is as high as 93%.
The Importance of Kidney Health
The best doctors for kidney stones in Bangalore have stressed multiple times that a healthy kidney is absolutely crucial to ensure a smooth and normal function of our body. The filtering out of toxic substances from the body by the kidneys helps your body to maintain a healthy balance of potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, salts, and water in the bloodstream.
The more you take good care of your kidneys, the best chances you have of avoiding life-threatening kidney complications.