Posted on : 18/04/2022 Views : 582
Manage the Symptoms of Piles: 10 self care tips you need to know
If you feel embarrassed to talk about your piles or hemorrhoids, then you are not alone. An estimated 75% of people have hemorrhoids symptoms, at some point in their lives, yet just 4% seek medical attention. However, with the help of a few simple tips, you can relieve these symptoms and prevent them from coming back. We have discussed the same with the help of our expert practicing hemorrhoid removal surgery in Bangalore. Continue reading to learn more.
A sitz bath is therapeutic- Fill a bathtub with three to four inches of warm water and sit in it for 10 to 15 minutes to reduce itching and irritation. Dry yourself gently with a towel, but do not rub the area.
Fiber supplements are a must- Consuming fiber helps you avoid constipation and straining to pass a bowel movement, both of which are major risk factors for hemorrhoids. A high-fiber diet also alleviates the pain of hemorrhoids by softening and making the stool easier to pass. However, if you are unable to consistently ingest 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day through food, there are a range of items that can supplement your fiber intake.
Keep yourself hydrated- Water is essential in making a soft stool, which decreases the pain of hemorrhoids. Drinking plenty of water can also aid in the prevention of hemorrhoids.
As a general rule, you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day—more if you are exercising or in hot weather. In addition, you should avoid or limit your consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Both alcohol and caffeine cause your body to lose water, which can create stiff stools and aggravate the pain of hemorrhoids.
Move your body- Exercise is an important part of preventing and treating hemorrhoids. If your everyday life or employment requires you to sit for extended periods of time, stand up and move around for a few minutes every hour or so. Be aware that some physical activities, such as heavy lifting and anal intercourse, should be avoided because they can all increase the risk of hemorrhoids and worsen symptoms.
Don’t wait in the toilet- Avoid sitting on the toilet for a long period of time; this causes hemorrhoids to push out and swell. Elevating your feet using a step stool as you sit will help to speed things up. This shifts the position of your rectum, allowing stools to flow more easily.
Using a cushion beneath you when sitting on a chair or hard surface might also help to reduce edema.
Practice clean hygiene- After each bowel movement, gently clean your anal area with a baby wipe or a warm-water-soaked cotton cloth. If you have any irritation, apply petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel.
Listen to the urge- Mornings can be hectic for many families, and you may not always feel like you have time to sit down and use the restroom. While it is not vital to have a bowel movement first thing in the morning, it is important not to put off having one when you feel the desire. Delaying defecation can cause constipation and promote the development of hemorrhoids.
Use over-the-counter medications- As suggested by our doctors practicing hemorrhoid removal surgery use over-the-counter medications to shrink inflammatory tissue and alleviate itching. Try soothing creams or ointments containing lidocaine, hydrocortisone, or both.
Do not neglect the clot- The agony of external hemorrhoid (a type of hemorrhoid) forming a blood clot can be terrible.
If the pain is bearable and the clot has been there for more than two days, treat the symptoms at home while waiting for it to dissolve on its own.
If the clot is more recent, a physician can surgically remove the hemorrhoid or pull the clot from the vein in small office surgery.
Self- care is necessary if you’re expecting- Hemorrhoids are extremely frequent during pregnancy and immediately after delivery. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms you may be experiencing, such as rectal pain and itching, before attempting any self-care treatments or products.
When pregnant, reclining on your left side while resting or sleeping can relieve strain or pressure on particular veins, which can lead to vein enlargement and hemorrhoids.
Even after trying out these above-mentioned tips, if you have any more queries, you are always welcome to consult with the best doctors in Jayanagar. Our experts will assist you in resolving these concerns and delivering you relief.