Patients FAQ on Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery

Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed hernia surgeries these days. However many might postpone their scheduled surgery, neglecting the fact that this can be dangerous if left untreated. The outcome may also vary if treated late. Here we have discussed a few most commonly asked questions and concerns with our leading experts practicing laparoscopic hernia surgery in Bangalore. Continue reading to learn more.
Does an inguinal hernia occur in only men?
As per the inguinal hernia surgery specialist in Jayanagar, both men and women can develop an inguinal hernia. However, they are far more common in men — a man's lifetime risk of developing an inguinal hernia is more than that of women. This occurs due to the differences in human anatomy.
What are the symptoms of inguinal hernia?

  • A lump in the area where the hernia occurred – usually the lower abdomen or groin may grow larger over time.
  • Coughing, bending over, or otherwise straining nearby muscles can all cause pain in the affected area. It is also possible to experience pelvic pain or acute pain without engaging in any activity.
  • pressure, heaviness, or a dull ache in the abdomen.
  • A burning or aching sensation near the lump.
  • Pain and swelling near the testicles

Note that all inguinal herniae may not cause pain and discomfort in the first place. Do not wait for the symptoms to aggravate. Consult your doctor whenever you feel a lump or abnormality at the concerned area.
Do the symptoms subside on their own without surgery?
Inguinal hernias do not heal on their own and must be treated with hernia repair surgery. If your hernia is not causing you pain or discomfort, you may not want to have surgery because all surgeries have risks.

On the other hand, if it’s causing pain or discomfort, you may want to have surgery right away. In either case, your doctor will talk to you about the risks and benefits of surgery so you can make an informed decision.
Does smoking increase the risk of inguinal hernia?
If you've been a smoker for a long time, can increase the risk of developing inguinal hernia. This is due to the fact that smoking increases your chances of developing COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which causes a long-term cough. Your abdominal and groin muscles will be put under more strain as a result of this.
Does constipation cause inguinal hernia?
Chronic constipation that lasts for several months or more, increases your risk of developing an inguinal hernia. This is due to constipation, which causes you to strain more when you open your bowels and puts excess strain on the muscles of lower abdomen and groin area.
‘I do heavy weight lifting in the gym. Does it cause inguinal hernia’?
The likelihood of developing an inguinal hernia after lifting heavy weights or engaging in strenuous exercise is determined by your overall risk for the condition. Not everyone who regularly lifts heavy weights develops an inguinal hernia, but if you have several risk factors for the condition, you are more likely to develop one.
What are treatment options available for inguinal hernia repair?

  • Open hernia repair surgery- An incision or cut in the groyne region is made during an open hernia repair.

The bulging intestine is identified in the "sac." The hernia is then pushed back into the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall is reinforced with stitches or synthetic mesh.

  • Laparoscopic hernia repair surgery- A laparoscope is a narrow, telescope-like tool that is inserted through a tiny incision near the umbilicus to perform hernia surgery (belly button).

The laparoscope is connected to a dime-sized video camera, which shows a "inside view" of your body on television screens in the operating room.
To allow your doctor to examine your internal organs, the abdomen is inflated with a safe gas (carbon dioxide). The peritoneum (the inner lining of the abdomen) is exposed to expose the weakness in the abdominal wall.

How do I know which one is best for me?
Your surgeon will advise a tailored treatment plan based on your needs. He/ she will ensure that the surgical plan is optimal for your health, safety, and recovery. You can also educate yourself and ask queries to your doctor if you have any. This way you can take an informed decision with your doctor.

Conclusion- If you suspect you have a hernia, you can consult with our best doctors in Jayanagar specializing in laparoscopic surgery.

Posted on : 13/04/2022      Views : 782

Patients FAQ on Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery

Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed hernia surgeries these days. However many might postpone their scheduled surgery, neglecting the fact that this can be dangerous if left untreated. The outcome may also vary if treated late. Here we have discussed a few most commonly asked questions and concerns with our leading experts practicing laparoscopic hernia surgery in Bangalore. Continue reading to learn more.
Does an inguinal hernia occur in only men?
As per the inguinal hernia surgery specialist in Jayanagar, both men and women can develop an inguinal hernia. However, they are far more common in men — a man's lifetime risk of developing an inguinal hernia is more than that of women. This occurs due to the differences in human anatomy.
What are the symptoms of inguinal hernia?

  • A lump in the area where the hernia occurred – usually the lower abdomen or groin may grow larger over time.
  • Coughing, bending over, or otherwise straining nearby muscles can all cause pain in the affected area. It is also possible to experience pelvic pain or acute pain without engaging in any activity.
  • pressure, heaviness, or a dull ache in the abdomen.
  • A burning or aching sensation near the lump.
  • Pain and swelling near the testicles

Note that all inguinal herniae may not cause pain and discomfort in the first place. Do not wait for the symptoms to aggravate. Consult your doctor whenever you feel a lump or abnormality at the concerned area.
Do the symptoms subside on their own without surgery?
Inguinal hernias do not heal on their own and must be treated with hernia repair surgery. If your hernia is not causing you pain or discomfort, you may not want to have surgery because all surgeries have risks.

On the other hand, if it’s causing pain or discomfort, you may want to have surgery right away. In either case, your doctor will talk to you about the risks and benefits of surgery so you can make an informed decision.
Does smoking increase the risk of inguinal hernia?
If you've been a smoker for a long time, can increase the risk of developing inguinal hernia. This is due to the fact that smoking increases your chances of developing COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which causes a long-term cough. Your abdominal and groin muscles will be put under more strain as a result of this.
Does constipation cause inguinal hernia?
Chronic constipation that lasts for several months or more, increases your risk of developing an inguinal hernia. This is due to constipation, which causes you to strain more when you open your bowels and puts excess strain on the muscles of lower abdomen and groin area.
‘I do heavy weight lifting in the gym. Does it cause inguinal hernia’?
The likelihood of developing an inguinal hernia after lifting heavy weights or engaging in strenuous exercise is determined by your overall risk for the condition. Not everyone who regularly lifts heavy weights develops an inguinal hernia, but if you have several risk factors for the condition, you are more likely to develop one.
What are treatment options available for inguinal hernia repair?

  • Open hernia repair surgery- An incision or cut in the groyne region is made during an open hernia repair.

The bulging intestine is identified in the "sac." The hernia is then pushed back into the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall is reinforced with stitches or synthetic mesh.

  • Laparoscopic hernia repair surgery- A laparoscope is a narrow, telescope-like tool that is inserted through a tiny incision near the umbilicus to perform hernia surgery (belly button).

The laparoscope is connected to a dime-sized video camera, which shows a "inside view" of your body on television screens in the operating room.
To allow your doctor to examine your internal organs, the abdomen is inflated with a safe gas (carbon dioxide). The peritoneum (the inner lining of the abdomen) is exposed to expose the weakness in the abdominal wall.

How do I know which one is best for me?
Your surgeon will advise a tailored treatment plan based on your needs. He/ she will ensure that the surgical plan is optimal for your health, safety, and recovery. You can also educate yourself and ask queries to your doctor if you have any. This way you can take an informed decision with your doctor.

Conclusion- If you suspect you have a hernia, you can consult with our best doctors in Jayanagar specializing in laparoscopic surgery.