Quick Facts: Overview of Breast Cancer Surgery

Do you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in India? And it has alarmingly cast its shadow over the last few decades! At every 13 mins in India, one woman dies of breast cancer. In India, more than half of all breast cancer patients are in stages 3 and 4, where their chances of survival are exceedingly slim. The high death rate is due to a lack of awareness as well as a delay in screening and diagnosis. We can not prevent breast cancer. However, we can reduce the mortality rate, if treated on time. In this article, we will discuss the breast cancer treatment options, which one is best for you, and many more. Let’s hear it out from our experts specializing in breast cancer surgery in Bangalore.
What are the available treatment options for Breast cancer?
The two major goals of breast cancer treatment are to eliminate as much cancer as possible and to prevent tumors from recurring. The available treatment options are as follows-

  • Breast cancer surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Hormonal therapy

 When should I opt for surgery for breast cancer?
Before planning a breast cancer surgery, your oncologist will assess the following factors as every treatment plan is customized and can vary accordingly.

  • The age and overall health condition of the patients
  • The type and stage of the tumor
  • Menopause status of the patient
  • Presence of mutations in inherited breast cancer genes BRCA1, BRCA2.
  • Preference of the women(patient) before surgery

If the cancer is aggressive enough and is growing rapidly, your doctor may recommend radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of both before the surgery.
What are the different surgical options for breast cancer surgery?
As per our experts practicing breast removal surgery in Jayanagar, the quantity of breast tissue removed with the tumor varies according to the breast cancer surgical procedure. This is dependent on the location of the tumor, the extent to which it has spread, and your feelings. A few lymph nodes under the arm are also removed so that cancer cells can be tested. This will assist your doctor in planning your post-surgery treatment.

Take some time to read about the various types of breast cancer surgeries before you have one. You and your doctor will decide which option is best for you.

Simple or total mastectomy- in this surgery, the complete breast tissue is removed. Lymph nodes are spared. It is possible to do a nipple-sparing mastectomy, which preserves the nipple and areolar complex. Breast reconstruction can be done using implants or the patient's tissue, which is commonly taken from the lower abdomen.

Radical mastectomy- The breast tissue, nipple, lymph nodes in the underarm, and chest wall muscles under the breast are all removed by the surgeon. If cancer has involved the chest muscle wall, your doctor will choose this option for you.

Modified radical mastectomy- The nipple and all of the breast tissue are removed by the surgeon. The axilla (underarm) lymph nodes are also removed, but the chest muscles are left intact. Breast reconstruction is frequently recommended after this surgery.

Lumpectomy- The surgeon eliminates the malignant tissue as well as a border of healthy tissue around it. To remove lymph nodes, a second incision (cut) may be done. This is a conservative approach to traditional mastectomy procedures. The goal of this procedure is to preserve as much of the normal breast as possible.
How long should I have to stay in hospital after surgery?
The length of hospital stay can vary based on the type of surgery, the patient’s condition during operation, and whether breast reconstruction is associated with it or not.

  • For lumpectomy, patient recovery is expected within one day. Your medical personnel will keep you under observation.
  • For mastectomy along with lymph node removal, one to two night hospital stay is enough for patient recovery. For tissue flap breast reconstruction, the hospital stay will be for one week.

 When can I resume my daily activities?
As suggested by our doctors practicing breast cancer surgery in Bangalore, you can be behind the steering wheel within 10-14 days after the surgery(obviously with a seat belt). And can resume your daily activities within 7-10 days of surgery. But do not perform any strenuous activities. Please seek particular advice from your surgeon regarding this.

How do I know if my other breast is prone to cancer or not?
A woman who has had cancer in one breast is more likely than the norm to acquire cancer in the other. You should continue to self-examine your breasts monthly, check both the treated and unaffected breasts. Any changes should be immediately reported to your health care practitioner.

Conclusion- regular follow-up and self-examination are necessary to prevent breast cancer recurrence. If you want a second opinion for your diagnosis and want to feel more confident about your treatment choices, you can consult our oncologists practicing in the best hospital in Bangalore.

Posted on : 23/02/2022      Views : 535

Quick Facts: Overview of Breast Cancer Surgery

Do you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in India? And it has alarmingly cast its shadow over the last few decades! At every 13 mins in India, one woman dies of breast cancer. In India, more than half of all breast cancer patients are in stages 3 and 4, where their chances of survival are exceedingly slim. The high death rate is due to a lack of awareness as well as a delay in screening and diagnosis. We can not prevent breast cancer. However, we can reduce the mortality rate, if treated on time. In this article, we will discuss the breast cancer treatment options, which one is best for you, and many more. Let’s hear it out from our experts specializing in breast cancer surgery in Bangalore.
What are the available treatment options for Breast cancer?
The two major goals of breast cancer treatment are to eliminate as much cancer as possible and to prevent tumors from recurring. The available treatment options are as follows-

  • Breast cancer surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Hormonal therapy

 When should I opt for surgery for breast cancer?
Before planning a breast cancer surgery, your oncologist will assess the following factors as every treatment plan is customized and can vary accordingly.

  • The age and overall health condition of the patients
  • The type and stage of the tumor
  • Menopause status of the patient
  • Presence of mutations in inherited breast cancer genes BRCA1, BRCA2.
  • Preference of the women(patient) before surgery

If the cancer is aggressive enough and is growing rapidly, your doctor may recommend radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of both before the surgery.
What are the different surgical options for breast cancer surgery?
As per our experts practicing breast removal surgery in Jayanagar, the quantity of breast tissue removed with the tumor varies according to the breast cancer surgical procedure. This is dependent on the location of the tumor, the extent to which it has spread, and your feelings. A few lymph nodes under the arm are also removed so that cancer cells can be tested. This will assist your doctor in planning your post-surgery treatment.

Take some time to read about the various types of breast cancer surgeries before you have one. You and your doctor will decide which option is best for you.

Simple or total mastectomy- in this surgery, the complete breast tissue is removed. Lymph nodes are spared. It is possible to do a nipple-sparing mastectomy, which preserves the nipple and areolar complex. Breast reconstruction can be done using implants or the patient's tissue, which is commonly taken from the lower abdomen.

Radical mastectomy- The breast tissue, nipple, lymph nodes in the underarm, and chest wall muscles under the breast are all removed by the surgeon. If cancer has involved the chest muscle wall, your doctor will choose this option for you.

Modified radical mastectomy- The nipple and all of the breast tissue are removed by the surgeon. The axilla (underarm) lymph nodes are also removed, but the chest muscles are left intact. Breast reconstruction is frequently recommended after this surgery.

Lumpectomy- The surgeon eliminates the malignant tissue as well as a border of healthy tissue around it. To remove lymph nodes, a second incision (cut) may be done. This is a conservative approach to traditional mastectomy procedures. The goal of this procedure is to preserve as much of the normal breast as possible.
How long should I have to stay in hospital after surgery?
The length of hospital stay can vary based on the type of surgery, the patient’s condition during operation, and whether breast reconstruction is associated with it or not.

  • For lumpectomy, patient recovery is expected within one day. Your medical personnel will keep you under observation.
  • For mastectomy along with lymph node removal, one to two night hospital stay is enough for patient recovery. For tissue flap breast reconstruction, the hospital stay will be for one week.

 When can I resume my daily activities?
As suggested by our doctors practicing breast cancer surgery in Bangalore, you can be behind the steering wheel within 10-14 days after the surgery(obviously with a seat belt). And can resume your daily activities within 7-10 days of surgery. But do not perform any strenuous activities. Please seek particular advice from your surgeon regarding this.

How do I know if my other breast is prone to cancer or not?
A woman who has had cancer in one breast is more likely than the norm to acquire cancer in the other. You should continue to self-examine your breasts monthly, check both the treated and unaffected breasts. Any changes should be immediately reported to your health care practitioner.

Conclusion- regular follow-up and self-examination are necessary to prevent breast cancer recurrence. If you want a second opinion for your diagnosis and want to feel more confident about your treatment choices, you can consult our oncologists practicing in the best hospital in Bangalore.