Ureteral Obstruction: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

At first Let us understand What is Urethral Obstruction?

Best Urology doctors in Bangalore associated with United Hospital say that ureteral obstructions are fairly common blockages. It can happen in one or both of your ureters. A ureteral obstruction blocks the free flow of urine from moving from the kidney into your bladder and out of your body. If this blockage isn’t attended to immediately, it can cause the urine to flow back into the kidneys and damage them. In severe cases, a ureteral obstruction can lead to total renal failure with life-threatening complications.

What are the symptoms of Ureteral Obstruction?

Urology specialists in Jayanagar Bangalore attribute symptoms of ureteral obstruction to different conditions. Some of the commonly observed symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain experienced in the lower back or sides below your ribs.
  • Fever
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Urge to urinate frequently
  • Frequently occurring urinary tract infections
  • Turbid or bloody urine
  • Inflammation in the leg(s)

Causes of Ureteral Obstruction

Doctors associated with United Hospital, the best Multispeciality hospital in Bangalore say that there could be different types of reasons that can actually cause ureteral obstruction.

Some of the causes can be related to:


Kidney Stones dislodged into the ureter

Duplication of the ureter tubes

This is a commonly noticed condition and is a birth defect. In this condition, the second ureter is partially developed though it could function normally. This causes kidney damage.



If the ureter is very narrow, it can restrict the free flow of urine. As a result, a tiny bulge may develop on the ureter closer to the bladder. This condition is called ureterocele.


Ureteropelvic Junction (UPJ) Obstruction: This is a blockage occurring in the renal pelvis area (located at the upper end of each ureter) of the kidney. This can be a birth defector develop because of a tumour.

Some other causes of ureteral stones can be

  • Gastric issues
  • Blood Clots
  • Inflammation of the ureter walls
  • Pregnancy complications.

How is Ureteral Obstruction Diagnosed?

Based on the symptoms you present; your doctor might suggest the following tests to check for a possible ureteral obstruction.

  • A complete urine and blood analysis
  • Kidney function tests
  • Physical examination
  • MRI
  • CT Scan
  • Ultrasound Scan

Treating Ureteral Obstruction

Treatments for ureteral obstruction depend on the reason for the blockage.

Common treatments for ureteral obstruction include:

  • Medication
  • Surgery
  • Stent Implantation to allow smooth flow of urine


United Hospital Jayanagar is rated as the best emerging hospital for UROLOGY in Bangalore to treat complex urological disorders including ureteral obstruction.

Posted on : 03/10/2022      Views : 669

Ureteral Obstruction: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

At first Let us understand What is Urethral Obstruction?

Best Urology doctors in Bangalore associated with United Hospital say that ureteral obstructions are fairly common blockages. It can happen in one or both of your ureters. A ureteral obstruction blocks the free flow of urine from moving from the kidney into your bladder and out of your body. If this blockage isn’t attended to immediately, it can cause the urine to flow back into the kidneys and damage them. In severe cases, a ureteral obstruction can lead to total renal failure with life-threatening complications.

What are the symptoms of Ureteral Obstruction?

Urology specialists in Jayanagar Bangalore attribute symptoms of ureteral obstruction to different conditions. Some of the commonly observed symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain experienced in the lower back or sides below your ribs.
  • Fever
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Urge to urinate frequently
  • Frequently occurring urinary tract infections
  • Turbid or bloody urine
  • Inflammation in the leg(s)

Causes of Ureteral Obstruction

Doctors associated with United Hospital, the best Multispeciality hospital in Bangalore say that there could be different types of reasons that can actually cause ureteral obstruction.

Some of the causes can be related to:


Kidney Stones dislodged into the ureter

Duplication of the ureter tubes

This is a commonly noticed condition and is a birth defect. In this condition, the second ureter is partially developed though it could function normally. This causes kidney damage.



If the ureter is very narrow, it can restrict the free flow of urine. As a result, a tiny bulge may develop on the ureter closer to the bladder. This condition is called ureterocele.


Ureteropelvic Junction (UPJ) Obstruction: This is a blockage occurring in the renal pelvis area (located at the upper end of each ureter) of the kidney. This can be a birth defector develop because of a tumour.

Some other causes of ureteral stones can be

  • Gastric issues
  • Blood Clots
  • Inflammation of the ureter walls
  • Pregnancy complications.

How is Ureteral Obstruction Diagnosed?

Based on the symptoms you present; your doctor might suggest the following tests to check for a possible ureteral obstruction.

  • A complete urine and blood analysis
  • Kidney function tests
  • Physical examination
  • MRI
  • CT Scan
  • Ultrasound Scan

Treating Ureteral Obstruction

Treatments for ureteral obstruction depend on the reason for the blockage.

Common treatments for ureteral obstruction include:

  • Medication
  • Surgery
  • Stent Implantation to allow smooth flow of urine


United Hospital Jayanagar is rated as the best emerging hospital for UROLOGY in Bangalore to treat complex urological disorders including ureteral obstruction.